To Ponder 1

Since I´ve come to montevideo, being the pondering type that I am, I have inevitably found myself on a spiritual journey as well. This is not surprising, since internal, spiritual growth and changes often coincide with physical ones. And in actuality, it is the internal journey that ends up being the most significant. That said, I intend to chronical peices of my spiritual journey in addition to my normal travel posts. So basically I´ll write about whatever I happen to be pondering at the time.

Today´s thought:

Isaías 54:4-5

¨No temas,porque no serás avergonzada. No te turbes, porque no serás humillada. Olvidarás la vergüenza de la joventúd, y no recordarás más el oprobio de tu viudez.

Porque el que te hizo es tu esposo; su nombre es el SEÑOR Todopoderoso. Tu Redentor es el Santo de Israel; ¡Dios de toda la tierra es su nombre!¨

Isaiah 54:4-5

¨Do not be afraid; you will not suffer shame. Do not fear disgrace; you will not be humiliated. You will forget the shame of your youth and remember no more the reproach of your widowhood.

For your Maker is your husband–the LORD Almighty is his name–the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer; he is called the God of all the earth.¨

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