I desperately need the words of God… why?

I urgently need the words of God. Constantly around us are lies and deceptions. The word of God is more than just words—they are spirit and they are life. Our spirits within us are wasting away, fainting to hear truth, to hear the heartbeat of God. God breathed his spirit into us, and since the time of Adam the essence of who we are is spirit. When we read the word of God, our very spirits are quickened as they awaken to the reality of who we truly are.

The word of God builds us up, and testifies to our spirits that we are loved and accepted by our Father, that we are a bride waiting to be reunited with our beloved Christ, that we are rulers of a royal bloodline, that we are conquerors of all the dark forces of the world. We need the word of God. It doesn’t matter if we read the same passage fifty times and feel nothing. We don’t need the word of God to comfort our souls and appease our logic. We need the word of God to soak and soak and soak and soak and saturate us from head to toe, till we are dripping with it and our spirits are positively radiant with it. The words of God both cut us and heal us. They cut us the way we cut back roses so that they will bloom more radiantly come spring. The nurture us like rain nurtures a dusty field. They thrill our spirits like a father whispering to his child as he tucks him in, or as a lover whispers the deepest truth in the Universe “I love you” into his beloved’s ear. We need the truth of God, and we need to read it not as a textbook, but as menu, enticing us to everything that we might taste if only we would ask in prayer.

Every word is open to us, and every word is a seal and a promise of what is freely ours: the presence of our father and our lover, the assurance that everything that belongs to them also belongs to us—just as wedding vows assure the bride that her husband and everything that is his will now be hers, all hers and only hers.

One thought on “I desperately need the words of God… why?

  1. JA October 6, 2010 / 6:17 am

    Absolutely lovely and powerful post. Thank you for writing it. If I ever need comfort, I know I can always open to the pages of my Bible for the best.

    My blog is focused on all the love God has brought into my life. I hope you’ll visit it sometime. Thanks!


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